I sat all my toys on the bed, and found out that they all had one thing in common. All of them had the same birthday, although of different ages. Dee Dee and Pooh are 3 years old. NT is 2 years old. Hunny, Monkey and McDull are 1 year old. And the biggest object on the bed, which is myself, is officially 22 today.
I was lucky enough to be able to go back home last week for a family reunion cum birthday celebration. Dawn came back too, although she was sick and shopped for my presents even when she was sick too. Mable was down with a bad cold and funny sort of 'flu' two days after my return. Even Jon who went home with me was coughing and sniffing on the way back. Thank God there was nothing wrong with me, although everyone commented that I was skinnier than ever.
Pastor Chiam preached a message about why we need to grow as Christians. Now I come to think of it, it was actually a rather timely birthday message. Thought over it a bit today - after all, when one is as old as 22, they must think a little more. I've been rather lazy in growing spiritualy these years (and physically I'm now somewhat smaller too). It is time to go out of my comfort zone and grow as a Christian. It wouldn't be easy. But when age is catching up with you (I've been denying that I'm 22 all the way until today even though my birthday was celebrated at home), you know you have to act fast before it's too late.
In fact, despite being not so mature a few years back, I felt that I was bigger in spirit than I am now. Back then I was more willing to go out of the way to do something, had a more positive outlook in life, and very forward moving. Now, I'm just slack. I need to get on moving, seriously.
I had a lot of nice presents this year. :D Dawn bought me a nice sleeveless blouse (which she cautioned me to take good care of, because it is not cheap), and a dark blue bag with a green teddy. Mable gave a nodding Winnie the Pooh handphone stand for me to stick my handphone on. Ah Gong and Po Po gave me angpau, and went out of the way to prepare and join in my bday celebs. Daddy treated us to a nice dinner & birthday cake; and asked me to name my birthday present because he had no idea what to get me. In the end I asked for a laptop cover - and a hair rebond sponsorship at the end of the year, hehe. I think this is the most costly present yet. Shi En actually gave me something on my wish list! A water bottle. :) And Hue Wen gave me a decorative table lamp as a mark of her companionship towards my studies.
Found the last two days at home fun as Jon was there too, and even attended church with my family. Some aunties as well as the youth in church were interested in my 'newly' acquired relationship, and the way they congratulated me seemed as if I'm going to get married soon. =p
Now I'm back in hall, and I thank God for being able to step into another year in earth. Another year of chance, and possibilities, before the worldly account closes up. :) Thank God for family and friends, and His love and grace.