Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pre-Batam Trip!

I'm quite excited about going to Batam tomorrow! Have to wake up early though.

Sungguh indah Kau Tuhan
Penuh kasih dan sayang
Kau tempat penghiburan
Bagi setiap hati yang terluka

Sungguh indah Kau Tuhan
Menara perlidungan
Kau sumber kekuatan
Bagi setiap orang membutuhkan

Haven't heard this song for so long I had to rack my brains to remember the title! All I could remember of the whole song was just the two words 'menara perlindungan' (fortress of protection), and I couldn't recall the melody too. Need to really prepare our hearts to serve. :) May God have all the glory.