I miss playing the piano. I don't play in hall now because Comm Hall is under renovation and it's out of bounds. I don't play at home now because the keys in my piano are getting 'soft' and ain't coming up properly till Daddy decides to tune it. So I don't play at all.
Both pianos don't look like the one in the pic above. The one that looks like that is the one in my church (Tampin), which I miss the most. It sounds the nicest, and I suppose it should be so since it should be the most expensive one. I hope my playing doesn't deteriorate too much by the time the Comm Hall piano is ready again.
And I keep on getting stuck in FYP. Sigh. Why can't I just piece what I'm supposed to do together instead of understanding fragments here and there and not being able to see the whole picture? Too much biology at one go compounded with other weird simulation terminology and databases are not good at all.
When sem starts I'm going to be a Final Year. Feel so old. And so un-enthusiastic in everything. And yesterday I had a horrible dream about results (out in 31st May). I had one D one C and one C+ (for MNO!!!). Ah well... at least when I woke up I found out it wasn't true. There's still hope after all :)