Actually, I shouldn't be looking up at dead ends only. Up is the direction I should look at all the time.
Actually now I'm horribly stuck in my design project. Either way I'm going no where, time is short; and to top it all up I have a test a day after project submission. =.= The design project deadline is so worrying that I have no time to worry (more less so to study) for the test!
It is times like these when I'm truly desperate, I truly hold on to the Lord. Working through the night has been intolerable especially when you know a sleepless night's effort has been futile. And the song we sang for worship last week came into my mind.
I am His, He is mine; Jesus knows my name.
I can rest in His arms; He’s always the same.
When I fall, when I call, Jesus takes my hand.
Cleansing me, lifting me, He helps me to stand.
In His love, I’m secure; we shall never part.
In His Word I will trust and give Him all my heart.
In the dark of the night, when my heart would fear,
Lovingly, tenderly, my Saviour is near.
Always the same, O praise His name,
Jesus never changes; He’s always the same.
Always together, His love is forever.
Jesus never changes; He’s always the same.
The song helped me to focus. Somehow or other it was interwined with Perfect Peace (another song) in my mind. I especially love the phrase: In the dark of the night, when my heart would fear; lovingly, tenderly, my Saviour is near. It was so true especially because now it's night time (although dawn is breaking).
My problems are still there big as ever. But as always, always. I know I can let go and depend on God to work miracles. I know that Jesus is always the same. And I know that bigger problems in life can never rob the joy of knowing my Jesus.