Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Transcribing devotionals can be very uplifting. Reminders of some things that you know, but you need to hear again.

Quote from Pr. Mike:
If we say to God we're coming to confess the same sin, God says, "What sin?" Reminds me of the verse from Hebrews 8: 12, that says, "For I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more."

Something I needed this week. To remember that God does not judge me based on a a performance curve. If I've loved enough, if I've done enough, prayed enough, served enough. Yes it is sign of Christians growth to love, pray, and serve. But it is not a merit which we have to stand before God one day and be judged for. 

Pr. Mike gave an illustration of this man and his daughter crossing a prairie in which they saw a fire from the distance and quickly realized that the flames were coming their way, and there was only one way to escape. The man burned a huge patch of grass around him and told his daughter to stand with him inside that burned patch. The girl was afraid when the flames approached, but the man said to his daughter, "The flames cannot get to us because we are standing where the fire has already burned."

The wrath of God has already been passed over, and to those who are standing in the safe patch behind the blood of Jesus Christ, there is no more condemnation, only righteousness, and loving discipline. What encouragement! What grace!