Patience is seriously a virtue in others that I need now.
That's why I feel very thankful when my team lead just says 'never mind', 'try again', 'relax' and 'jiayou' whenever I muff up my training tests. It takes away my stress of getting things done 'right first time' (though I still try very hard to), and by doing and doing again, I actually remember to get things done properly and the sequence at which a test is performed.
I really need to have better kinetical/muscle control. That can measure small volumes, carry large objects, reach heights, weigh fluffy powders and avoid spillages. I take a long time to do stuff, and despite doing so I still make mistakes. My poor team lead had to waste so much time just these two first days of shift checking through my work and answering my questions and waiting for me to finish up things. Thankfully he had the ability to multi-task.
But still I really am liking to go to work although I feel the stress to try and constantly get things done quickly and accurately, to reduce my liability of newness and inexperience in the team, and in the laboratory. It's the people that make or break my work experience, ultimately, and although I haven't formed strong bonds with most of my colleagues, they do try to include me in things. However, I can't keep on thinking and acting like I'm new forever. I still have this mindset and I realize that I have to change that so that I can really be productive.