The worst of my design project is over; although the remaining sections on Mechanical Design and SHE are not easy too. At least submission is not one day before a test though.
Design wasn't really fun when you're getting weird results in your calculations. Yesterday Quyet, Michelle and I just spent five whole minutes laughing non-stop when we got an area of negative value for our column which was too big and fat. The past two weeks was horrible with me sleeping an average of 4 hours per day. Still I pigged all I could last week so I guess I can't be complaining now.
There's a test tomorrow too that I don't really feel like studying hard for. Which I should because my first mid-term results was below average. Don't really feel like sending in all those job apps too. Which I should too because I haven't been called for a single job-interview till date. But somehow I'm not worrying about that job. When it comes, it will come.
Working with people in a team isn't easy. We have a six-person team in design, all of which I have never worked with before. It is hard, when someone makes a careless mistake, or a wrong decision, and the whole team has to shoulder that outcome. To take consequences as a result of what other people do. And most of all, to maintain a loving, forgiving, understanding, and joyful spirit above everything. It's hard to do it, when all you want is to get a good grade, and keep that CAP where it should at least be.
Sometimes I don't know whether to be glad that I'm not the person causing all the probs (despite my CAP being the lowest among those in the team), or to be unhappy because I have to be pulled down when others are not careful enough, not punctual enough, not responsible enough, or have not researched enough, or even, when they don't care enough. It takes me so much effort to remind me life is not all about a Design project; it is more about caring who people are, and what I can do for them, rather than what I would get out from working with them, or just looking out for myself when we are in a team.
It is so difficult sometimes. But somehow I managed to break that barrier in the end with huge resolve, and I am so thankful and glad I went through all this, no matter what outcome befalls. God is good. No words can describe that.
Another joyful thing is - I found out a friend was saved in Christ last week. It was such awesome, awesome news. One would never comprehend the weight of salvation, until he knows he is loved and saved by God. How arrogant can men be when they think they are the ones who choose whether to believe or not. If God did not have the grace and mercy to grant you belief to come to Him in faith for salvation, you would never desire to seek Him in the first place. It is through the grace and mercy of God that one can be saved. Nothing of man's virtue and choice; and even if it is a choice, it is a choice to surrender.