Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Jay Bee Trip + Random Musings

Came back from the Hon's place in JB yesterday night. My first time to JB. They were as sweet as ever and were very good hols. Jon and I went for hair cuts (RM 9). It was quite decent, and my hair is at the okay-curl-at-the-shoulders length now.

It was a very nice and relaxing time there, especially during the random breakfast worship. It reminded me of many things. I've been trying to upgrade my piano-playing style for years, especially ever since my skills plateaued. But then I realize that I don't really have to play very well for myself and other people to be able to worship when I play. It's the spirit that matters.

I really wish I can play in church every week... but playing is not the only way to worship God.

Today was a fun day too: WMWM & Boss came over and we played Princes of Florence, and Ticket to Ride. Had lunch and dinner together too. Hope we have time to spend together even when work kicks in. Especially with all Wing Mei's weird shifts. We NEED piano therapies. Miss Jerome's presence though. He's back home for a week, and by the time he's back again, both of us will be starting work.

Read Mable's random FB ranting just now. I guess I have felt that kind of frustration before. But it never erupted, and eventually I learned to ignore all those concern that I've grown callous over them now.

A slight headache is kicking in right now... and I had better go offline before it gets worse.