Was just thinking today that I had the makings of a good secretary. I'm starting to become my supervisor's personal organizer. Up to the point that I can now guess contents of docs I don't even have access to in the first place.
How much pay does a secretary earn? Not that I think I'll end up being one, but if I could, I won't mind.
Anyway, I've been thinking that I'm now looking at things from the wrong perspectives. All this lateral focus is killing me. Where's my upward focus? Once I think up, every burdened is lightened. But I always, forget, to think upwards. Until today when I got this packet of tissues at the MRT stop advertising Pastor Tang's evangelistic meetings. I didn't feel like going, but it reminded me, God is there, God is in charge, and my thoughts and actions these days were too self-centered to be worthy of being His child.
I need to focus on the right thing, once again. And then petty little things like academics and the future won't matter anymore, because what matters most, need to matter most to me.
Another nice thing that blessed my heart this week, is that I can't help noticing and feeling, how sweet some of my colleagues were :) This is pretty random. But life is always prettier with random little observations like this.
And my spirits were lifted today because I actually managed to finish reading up some articles for my downstream processing essay. Sigh. Give me research papers over patents any time. Patents are just so horrible to read.