Saturday, November 29, 2014


One wedding dinner and I felt part of the shift lab again. 

There were only 6 of us sitting at a 10 person table but it was good conversation (and an overload of food). The talk and laughter that flowed freely across the table, to me, was something that was available to them every working day; whereas for me, it was a rare luxury.

The girls in my new lab (and the only guy) are really nice. All of them have in some way or other been friendly to me and made me feel that I belong in this lab. Although I am not really 'a part of them' yet socially, I feel that I will be and I should cherish these new relationships. 

But this doesn't make me miss the good old times less. I just hope that the new people I meet and the work that I deal with in the future would be this special to me too :)