OK I knew I would blog about this game sooner or later.
Dixit is a card game with awesome 'abstract' cartoon images (or you can call it 'surrealistic images' if you like). I like the drawings so much! And all you have to do in this game is tell stories, or to be more precise, think of a word that describes a picture of your card. And since I like words and abstract stuff and all, I love this game. It has won awards too! The pics above show some (but not all) of the cards.
Been playing it with Jon, Jerome and Wen Qiao these two days. And since we're in the high-tech era, we played it in the form of an I-phone app (no physical cards). How you play it is like this: each of us 'hold' six different picture cards. If it's my turn to be the story teller, I pick a card of my choice, put it face down out, and describe it (or title it's story). As you can see from the cards, many titles can come out for each picture.
After I choose my card and story, I lay out mine; and then it's the turn for the three of them to take out one card of their choice. Then out of the four cards on the deck turned up; each of them must vote on which one they think is the card representing my story.
Here's the catch: if everyone picks my card, all of them will get points except for me. And if no one picks my card, I get no points too! So I want at least one person to guess my card but not all. (And I don't think it's very fair to give hints so that only one person can understand etc etc so this is very tricky indeed.) And of course if you're not the story teller you'd want to lay down a card that closely matches the story title, to confuse others except yourself so that you'd be the only one who guesses. Correct guesses get points; and if anyone votes for your card which you put down as a diversion you get points too! So it's fun :D
For example, there's this picture where there's this bunch of green lily pad like plants surrounding a red one in the middle. There's kind of gap in between the circle of green plants and the red, so Jon named it 'Back-Off'. Jerome named it as 'Bad Breath' when he got the card in one of his turns. But apparently that turned out to be a bad idea because all of us put down cards that has people with big mouth or jaws or all; so instead we ended up voting for each other's diversion cards instead of Jerome's because his was more abstract.
I think the best part of the game is seeing which pictures crop up and how each person tries to link his/her card to the story or the wacky titles we think up for stories. It encourages creativity, and the cards are so nice to look at! And every game ends with aching sides lol.
People I especially want to play this game with:
1. Boss & WM (Think we'll laugh our heads off)
2. Tirza (I think you can think of lovely titles for yours!)
3. JonC (Who is capable of making creative and lame comments)
4. Simon (Reason same as person above)
Get it on your I-phones while this app is still free!