Saturday, October 20, 2012

First iPhone blog post

This is my first time blogging on a bus with my phone! I never thought I could get used to typing long posts or emails with a touch pad, but apparently with auto correct its not so bad after all.

Some things I want to share now is the lessons God put me through last week and this. Last week was  went through with a general feeling of unease. Small petty things. Until I finally shared withy colleague that I felt that I wasn't growing in my job anymore. Felt it especially last week when there was little testing to be shared among all of us, and every one else had non routine or task force related stuff to do except me. Besides making sure that my designated area was clean and all that, I felt that I had no extra responsibilities at all.

I was upset because of my stagnant growth in knowledge and competency. In fact as I do not foresee any changes in this state at least short term wise, I actually seriously contemplated a job change once my promised two years in this lab are up. But when I was mulling this over God reminded me that it is not a change in job that I needed. I went up to the third floor, met some people from Quality, and then, momentarily detached from the lab I was in, I was back to my IA days. The sights and the smells reminded me again of that girl earnest to learn and who was aggressive in pursuing new knowledge and relationships despite the odds of having not so many platforms to do so.

And then God put these words in my mind: it's not competency, but character that matters more. Yes I am in this job not so much to grow myself than to serve my colleagues and the end users of our drugs. To finish a work in the hearts of some people I grew to know more and more of, and whom I grew to care for. To learn how to learn things without being spoon fed, to love knowledge, but even more, to love people. To respect my superiors, to pray but not to complain even though it is what everyone does.

Pastor shared about his little experiment growing taugeh. He apparently used this once to symbolize dying to live and suddenly my Facebook page was flooded with pics of growing taugeh in the homes of church members. Then the week after he tried to grow taugeh in differently colored water. The taugehs ended up a bit stunted in growth but they did not have pink yellow blue or red stems, albeit a bit smudged with colors on the surface.

This symbolizes that we could be in the world but not of it. Yet how many of us bravely venture in but are assimilated into being part of the world. The way we think, the words we say, the trends we follow, the mindset we adopt, our definitions of success, of self, of love. Hence it is so important to guard our minds with the precious truth of God. Not to escape the world we are supposed to go into to share Christ. But to be guarded against its powers, the powers of an incredibly strong foe that is subtle and cunning.

I needed this encouragement. And I need to press on for my testimony is still not complete. But I believe and hold on to the promise that I can do all things in He who gives me strength. Thank Him for not only saving but sustaining me. Because the cross is not the end of a finished work, it is s precursor of a new life. Praise unto Him forever and ever.