Well, technically, I haven't reach that cross-point yet. But I'm coming nearer and nearer to it. It's right in front and I need to get myself prepared for it.
On a side note, it's rather amazing the way I've come to accept and live with new circumstances, and how people around me have stepped up to it as well. This is really faith becoming sight. And it's true, that daily portion of grace I've given. It sustains me from being stretched too tight. It gives me every reason each day to be thankful.
I don't want this thankfulness to be limited to work. I want it to stretch far and wide, to entrench itself deeply in all aspects of my life. I don't want my experience with God to stop at my workplace. I want it to be further, deeper, stronger, in every part of my life. Every place I'm at.
I want to be deeply, emotionally, involved with God in my life.
And that's why, at this diverging of roads, I need to pray towards that. Should I stick to something that I love, and continue to function comfortably and competently each day? Or should I leave this, venture into something new, that allows me to just detach myself from this interest so that I can come back to feel, to get into other experiences more? Where are the people that God has planned for me to meet, to get involved with? To pray for, to talk to, to love? How will the roads to come affect my relationship with my family, with Jon, with the church?
My response towards this is what it has been for years and years past: Thankfully, I don't have to make such a difficult choice. Thankfully, I only need to pray and submit to God. The doors He opens, and the doors He closes. Thankfully, the Maker will turn my course of life according to His design, and I would just need to live according to it, to see reason in my life.
Whichever road I venture into is marked out on my road map. And I shall walk in faith.