I remember the start of last year. I callously started off the year assuming that I did not need a new year resolution. After all what's the point of having one when it doesn't really help? Or so I thought. So I left off the new year resolution.
Many things happened this year. I suddenly got promoted to being a senior in my workplace. Started serious cg meetings as a core member and tried out bible study facilitation. Joined a DG (disciple group). Had an unforgettable gospel sharing experience at Manila. Got proposed to. Improved my craftsmenship by leaps and bounds. Played lots of board games. Went rock climbing. Went for weddings and housewarmings.
Yet throughout the year I feel a loss of direction. And there were things that happened and I just got this heavy, senseless, lost feeling most of the time. My quiet time was seldom quality time. My work was chaotic. My impatience to see growth in others was not in tandem with the lack of growth in myself.
So for next year, I shall set resolutions for myself. Not so to make things look neat and pretty but so that I have a direction and a set of priories to turn to when I get lost. And here they are.
1. I resolve to have quality quiet time each day and journal faithfully.
2. I resolve to responsibly plan my marriage as best as I can.
3. I resolve to do my best to be part of cg and contribute to its growth.
4. I resolve to take responsibility for my own spiritual growth and prioritize it over developing other skills.
5. I resolve to give my best at work, not complain and trust God to open doors for me.
6. I resolve not to talk behind people's back or put people down. I will also try my best to be encouraging esp to my family members and Jon.
7. I resolve to keep in touch with my friends, and attend their weddings and special events.
8. I resolve not to give up even though I cannot perfectly realize my resolutions.
There. Happy 2014! May it be a better year.