My previous week was mainly occupied by holiday storage. Holidays are over and people are coming in and out to collect their luggage from storage rooms. I have to open the door and refund them their deposits. Although I was only on duty for four consecutive days in the week, I was quite sick of doing it at the end of it all. People called every hour of the day, waking me up every morning, and calling whenever I was eating, napping, talking, even when I was in the toilet! There was never a moment of peace. I walked from my room to the storage rooms about 30 times a day.
Still, this business is a very good source of income for hall. (I don't get paid for doing this, just earning CCA points to stay on next year). Look at the little space before you:
You see that rectangular area enclosed by the four crosses? That's one slot unit, which is as big as half a toilet cubicle. And believe me, that unit can hold a lot of things! If you're experienced and know how to pile up your luggage properly, it can hold up your whole room, or even too, if your things aren't a lot.
We charge $8 per week for each slot. The price has gone up this year but if you think it's too expensive, I guess you must take into account three things.
1. The convenience of being able to store your things on campus.
2. The service - IC's to open the doors for you throughout the day, and keeping everything nice and locked up. But we don't help them to move things in and out. That would be too much.
3. We're a monopoly. No matter what price we set, there will always be a demand. And we do want to earn enough to cover our orientation costs ;)
Anyway, I never store my own things in those rooms. Haha.
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Rag Day came and went. I love our float and shirts! Azi designed the rag day shirts and they were cute. Junda thought it was some sort of environmental society shirt though, because it was green in colour and there was the slogan 'Go Green!'. Green is our hall colour you see.
The float was quite well cladded this year. I guess it's because the bulk of work is done by the floaters themselves since we don't have incoming freshmen. We were also the hall with the smallest number of supporters. But I'm glad our cheers were loud enough to be heard. And many alumni came back to support us too. :)

And surprisingly, this is the year we've broken the curse of not winning anything for years! We won the shield for lowest cost float! I think part of the credit should go to OMC for sourcing materials sucessfully, hehe. But to be fair, Float didn't give us too much work to do this year, in fact they were very innovative and found a lot of things themselves. So all in all, it's Float's credit for resourcefulness and good planning in material usage.
I think our cheering was more wholehearted this year even though our number was halved. I guess when times are good, all we do is complain about hall, but when we know we have to be united, we are a united bunch.
Hopefully, the winning of a rag day shield is just the start of a tide of change to flood into Raffles Hall.
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I visited my granduncle's house on Saturday night. My aunt flew back from America, so we had dinner with her family. The triplets are so interesting! One of them ate twice the amount of dinner that I did. And then we watched transformers, and the kids kept asking me for the time because it was already 9 something and their bedtime was at 8!
Don't think this will ever happen in Mable's case, whatever age she's at. Ahahaha.