Note: View available pics in my Facebook profile. (Not a complete set.)
Swee Yee's birthday celebration
It was a bomb of a birthday celebration with sparklers and surprises. Too bad all my pictures were blurred because of all the smoke we created. Birthday girl was very overwhelmed.
Tangled movie date.
A must-watch. Free tickets thanks to Jon's MNO award :p Funny and sweet enough for a Disney movie, but I have this feeling that it could have gone further. Watched with Boss & Wing Mei too.
Farewell lunch with my supervisor
Was treated for lunch at Jurong Point. Super nice! Also learned not to take anything at all for granted. Every chance you get might be one deprived from someone else when resources are scarce, and it doesn't mean that you're more deserving of it all the time. Be grateful, and make the most of each opportunity, for yourself, and for every person the opportunity was denied of.
Mind Cafe birthday celebrations
Went to celebrate Alex & Piang's birthdays. Free games for girls because it was ladies' nights. Had fun especially when viewing everyone's expressive artwork during Pictionary. Loved to see Alex, Li Wei, Phea and Shu Lin again.
Pill inspection
One of my current projects at work. It's actually sai-kang work, but the people made it so fun. Love the lab chemists in the lab I did this, because they were so inclusive. Played table soccer with them. I'm bad at it, but it was a good bonding session. More people I will miss in SP!