For the first time in my NUS life, I had a Recess Week that really felt like one. Meaning I almost didn't touch my school work at all throughout the week. And no mid-term exams! Oh joy! I literally played around through the week, ignoring the nicely made to-do list I brought back home. So now I'm cramming the whole list of work into one or two days. :( On top of that the PHD student in charge of my FYP sent Mei and I an email yesterday, requesting for a meet up next Friday to discuss 'any work we've done since the last meeting'. I did not do any work since the last meeting at all because it was right before CNY. Oh no. More work to cram.
CNY was nice although I didn't go around visiting too much, and didn't really eat a lot (but stuffed myself with mandarin oranges). Still, I had my fair share of CNY goodies. I wish I gained weight through eating them though. I just realized yesterday that Yew Hong lost 5 kg after coming to NUS too. So if you're overweight, and qualified to study in NUS, do come over. It will do wonders to your figure. But if you're thin like me, you'll become skin and bone after the three or four years are up. I seriously need to do something about my weight. But the thing is, I can't eat too much, and I don't seem to gain any weight although I do try and eat as much as I can.
I got a nice surprise after returning to my hostel in NUS yesterday. Tirza tidied my study table, and everything was arranged neatly. I just realized that her style of arranging things was the same as Mable's, who used to tidy my study table for fun before I went to university. I'll try and keep the table in the condition it is for as long as possible :)
There are so many things I want to do now but I've no time to :( I want to go to De-Coders to play board games! And I want to go to a random shopping spree and get discounted cereals. I read Mable's other blog yesterday and I feel inspired to write in Chinese again! But those things take time, and should not be done with a guilty conscience. My conscience is already guilty now because I just succumbed to the temptation of playing Diner Dash. I got past levels I've never broke through before and have stopped the game at the last restaurant out of the four. =p