I think I should be pretty happy and satisfied now. I've got two things in my hand to fill up my time when I'm at home, and that doesn't include shopping (which I usually do).
Firstly, I got to serve as transcriber for my pastor's daily audio devotionals. Link as below.
The transcribing just started out so not every day is transcribed yet. There's also Pastor Jason's devotionals but so far I'm only doing Pastor Mike's, which I feel is the more challenging one because he talks quite quickly. Sometimes it is necessary for me to listen many times before I completely get what he says. And the speed at which he talks made me feel inclined to speed-type too, so my first transcribe ended with my last fingers of both hands feeling rather dead.
I'm glad to be able to serve in this area, as the devotionals are also spiritual food to my soul, and I hope, to many souls as well. As usual, I sometimes have my doubts about this non face-to-face outreach thing, always wondered that who would come across such devotionals besides regular church members (if they are interested), unless the pastor or preacher is a really famous one. Oh me of little faith! I always need to remind myself that God can use any channel, any vessel, in His own time and way to convict and convert. I need to learn to trust in His power and grace.
Another thing which I'm doing now is trying to read a 1,000 over page text book on laboratory instrumental analysis lent to me by my team leader. So far it has been three days and due to various reasons (such as need for huge sleep amounts for night shifts), I have only read 5 pages. Will try to be do better in the coming off-rest. :( Still I can see why this is going to be a useful book. I won't be ploughing through the whole book entirely, but at least I would be able to finish reading most of the relevant parts and it will help me develop in my job. I'm really thankful for my team leader's generosity in offering to lend me his book, and being willing to explain things that I don't understand.
Today was another of those Sundays where I go to church after night shift. My colleagues probably think it's a length too far to go for 'religious obligations', but I feel otherwise. I sustain myself to going to church after night shifts not because of any virtue of myself, but only because God is worthy of worship. Going to church weekly doesn't make us 'good' because it's some responsibility we managed to fulfill, but it is solely because God's greatness and goodness demands this worship.
When I was considering whether or not to take up this shift job this was my primary concern. Will I be missing church regularly because of shift work? Will I put my work before my worship? I think to some extent there is already some compromise. Like how I leave BS half-an hour early for night shift. Like how I miss Sunday service every once a month because of morning shifts. Therefore I make it a point not to miss any services that I could attend.
It is not easy to stay awake after night shifts. Because it's not enough just to drag myself to church, I need to stay alert all through as well, otherwise it will be meaningless. Thank God so far He has sustained me with His strength and love. Every time when I sing for worship after night shifts, I am so glad in my heart that I came, because I feel His sustaining power and grace. Because I feel His worthy-ship.