I have been very careless in the past week. First I lost my umbrella (fortunately I only brought it for $3.90). Then today I found out that I lost my Ez-link card with $$ inside! :( So I had to get a new one. Now they kind of merged Ez-link with NETS, so it's called Nets-Flash-Card instead. Alongside with the purchase $5 per card, I get a fridge magnet and a card pouch to keep the card too. There are also supposedly some shopping benefits associated with it (but don't expect too much). Here's the official website: http://www.nets.com.sg/netsflashpay/
To me the most interesting thing about the card is still the breezy-bee design. :) Yes, I'm still a kiddo in that sense, and I know it.
My hectic MNO project is finally done and over with. I'm getting quite tired of it - it's not really worth that much effort for 4 MC, I feel. Furthermore - videoing and presentations are not my thing. But it was fun knowing my team mates, they really made the effort quite worth it. Of course they were not perfect; but at least most of us have a joint responsibility for each other, and we would just turn up for meetings to support one another. Our video might not be a bomb, but still the experience was a bomb. I wouldn't ask for another like it though - it was rather too tedious for my liking. If I had took it in any other semester other than this one, I would have died.
DND was over and somehow the effect wasn't as explosive as last year. I went mainly because I had to write-up for Phoenix Magazine. It was okay, the theme was fun (Eclectic World - go google the word 'eclectic'), and the dress-ups were interesting. Anyway I went as myself in my one and only white dress. Mr Goh asked if I was trying to be Snow White, but no, Snow White was far more colorful than this. :) Pageant contests were not as exciting as the previous years, and the whole run of everything was rather mechanical and dry, in terms of the programs. I liked their small events but I suppose my expectations were built too high because of them, hence I felt a bit let down by the real thing. The food was quite good though.
Hmm. In case you're wondering, I'm not writing to rant over DND here. Last year's DND was really great, and that's why the bar was raised high. This year's DND has its good points too, but I'll leave that to my Phoenix writeup where I can only say politically correct things in. Will give DND due credit in that write-up of mine, but meanwhile, bear with this more politically incorrect, but much lesser read blog entry. I need loads of motivation to write the article though - been slacking a bit too much, I don't even feel like writing my lab report (because I have the wrong data in).
There's a Night Cycling activity next Friday. I kind of want to go, but I have too big problems.
1) I don't know what my schedule is like next week.
2) I don't know who's free to go with me.
And I've never been to night cycling in year 1 or year 2 due to academic concerns. I want to go at least once throughout my four years here!!!
I'm kind of stuck in FYP now. Rather in a blank state. Trying to research, not get lazy and complete my work at the same time.
I also have an interview with Merck and Co. this Tuesday. Okay, it's not really M&C directly, rather it's Schering-Plough that they've merged with. It's a company dealing with pharmaceutical products, a line I feel I'd be interested to go into at this point of time. However, I still need to go there to look around first before I can really decide if it's my cup of tea. My years in NUS taught me that many times, expectations and reality really don't match. Not in a bad way, but sometimes our 'conventional' notion of jobs that are not backed up with actual experience do create some misconceptions on how we view things. The thing is I have another company that has already offered me an internship (research work) to do in Singapore Poly, very near NUS. I must admit I'm severely tempted. And I don't know how to hold on to this one, and wait for the other.
In the end I decided to truthfully tell the Boss of that company that I'll be having another interview this week and I'll make my choice by the end of next week. He never sent me any replies though, so I guess silence means consent? I know about the 'bird in hand is worth two in a bush' concept - but still... I want to at least go to Schering P and know what this internship is about and their working environment first. And I don't want to have company one hanging to me all the time and in the end dish them you see. It was a rather risky choice perhaps? But I guess people who have been employing all the time in the working world should understand my situation. Anyway I'm not that worried - because i know God is going to give me a job that suits me best.
That's all my updates for the weekend. Hopefully I'll have time for more in the coming week.