I finally finished the whole of the trilogy today. And oh! Book Three was so tragic. Before I reached half the book, I was like - could I please please just skip to the end? The last few pages and chapters, where there will be no more deaths, no more heartbreak? And of course I could (since no one could stop me), but I just couldn't put down. So hands gripping on my seat I read through everything.
Could just feel the pain when some of the characters died. :( Ending was rather bittersweet, but it was okay. It still ended on a positive note. (But nice endings can't bring back dead characters that grew on you right.)
So I guess unless you can take Book Three, don't start on Book One because from then on you'll be hooked and have no choice but to finish the whole thing.
Still. If you love a good story I recommend this book.
And on a completely unrelated note: I've just come to realize more and more how a guitar can't replace a piano. :( I should invest in a keyboard or something over here I guess. But stuff like that is so expensive and I'm still on stingy mode when it comes to money.