Argh it's Week 5 why is it week 5 now. :(( Soon it will be recess week (and with work recess week = no recess with exam prep), and then the weeks after that will be project work and submissions marathon. I'm so not looking forward to them.
But on the bright side:
1. I have a new phone because of my continued M1 contract! It's super mini (my phones seem to get smaller and smaller), but it's a nice phone (Jon said it's wasted cz I never use internet). But still I think it's quite cute and I like the size LOL. And it's the first time I have a touch-screen phone. It's free because under a take 3 plan I have to return it (in working condition) after 2 years, and maybe get it back/ get a new phone when I sign up for another plan. But oh... typing SMSs is such a chore now. I'm still not used to typing on the screen and seeing my fingerprints on the screen yet.
2. I'm going overseas this Sunday! OK actually that means Batam. Which is a small Indonesian island so near to Singapore that it might as well be part of Singapore itself. But still! It's somewhere that's not Malaysia or Singapore. Campus group is helping out to teach the children there to articulate plays in English, and to play games with them. This is like my first work with kids that I'm totally foreign to, and since I'm not really good with kids, I'll really have to depend on God to be a blessing to them.
3. And yayy we have half-day off on Thursday and public holiday on Friday! Cheers to the long weekend! More time to mug! :)