Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Interview Prep Phase One

I'm kind of preparing for an interview to work for real in the organization I was once attached to as an intern. And guess how I'm preparing for it? By going through all my industrial attachment reports. :p

While our reports were not actually graded (industrial attachment is a pass/fail module), I was glad that I really did those properly. Now I can remember everything I observed from the organization, the conclusions I draw, the emotions I felt, the aspirations I had, the persons who helped me (I listed down all their names and help offered in alphabetical order down the 'Acknowledgements' page). There were things I forgot, and remembered all over again. There were emotions which only an intern can feel, and this intern has to remind the full-time-worker-to-be, how to work with a sense of mission, how to aim higher and not merely look at salary and benefits.

I miss intern life, it has its ups and downs, but it was the period which I felt that I really did my best, gave my best; and was appreciated. I'm very glad for my IA reports :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back to Singapore

Have been back to Singapore quite a few days ago. Quite a number of things happened. We had a wonderful Bible Study on Friday. Watched several short documentary videos of archaeological visits to Israel. I loved the faith lessons gleaned. The lesson of 'first fruits' - the Israelites gave the first fruits that came out from the harvest unto the Lord, in faith that He will give more. Imagine your crops are just starting to produce - and you give ALL of them up - knowing in faith that be there hail, storm, or dry seasons: God will still provide. The way the priests stepped foot-first into the quick waters of the Jordan river, after which only did the waters part. Giving God what is God's and the consequences of those who don't (the walls of Jericho which fell were Israel's first fruits of invasion, and as cursed, the builder lost his first and youngest son when the rebuilding of that wall started). Being set apart as God's people, and the consequence of Christians who don't want themselves to be seen, leading a safe and 'normal' life.

It was a joy seeing all campus peeps again for BS, supper, and lunch this afternoon. Simon, Tirza, Justin, JonC, Anne, Alicia, Andrew, Joanne. I miss Stacey though! I have been very touched by her care and concern for me especially throughout this particular year and the one that has passed.

All the lessons learned during Friday's BS has touched my heart and hit at the right places. And yes, promises I've been holding on to began to fruit, even this week. My ex-supervisor from my internship company had contacted me herself on the very night I came back to Singapore, offering to help me lookout for various positions. And after consulting a number of people, there's a vacancy for me in a laboratory which I'm familiar with. I can't say 'I have a job' now as it is still yet to be confirmed. It's still up to God whether this job is for me or not: because what is not mine is not going to be mine, if its not in His favor. But I will learn to wait, and give him my patience and faith.

Even IF i don't get this job, I am thankful for my supervisor's thoughts and love for me. I knew my working under her was no mistake. There were many many unknown complications in my IA selection that eventually led me to MSD and to her. I rejected two organizations which I initially planned to work with, but events intervened and I ended up there. I wondered 'why this position', and 'why this organization that is now downsizing', but it led up to this. And even if I don't get this job in the end: I know there's one He intends for me down the road. I am just very thankful to have worked under someone who cares for me as 'myself', instead of just as 'another student'.

And ohhhh in the spirit of randomness - Jerome bought Jon & me SABOTEUR from Europe! It's in Germany but it's a very nice and fun game! THANKEW JEROME :D :D

We sang this song in church today. The story of the cross may be old, but it is timeless. It touches hearts and changes lives even till today.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Midway into June

I think this is a wacky piece of 中西合壁, and I even see a glockenspiel inside (I hope I didn't get the name of the instrument wrong).

I'll be going back to Singapore next Thursday to collect my convocation gown, and do the necessary shopping in preparation of my move to Kovan, and for work. I foresee a lot of issues related to logistics to settle.

A third interview hasn't come my way yet but I know it will come. I shall not let my patience be so easily tried.

Meanwhile I'm en route to completing my thick book of (complete) Sherlock Holmes cases at home. :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Joe Hisaishi + other random thoughts

Been listening to many of his wordless songs again, and wishing I could compose like him. :)

I guess until you really understand all instruments, you can't really put them together. At the moment the piano on its own is already a handful. :p I wish I can play as well too. I'm learning to put myself into my playing more and more but there's this part of me that always holds back.

But don't I wish I understand strings better! I have always been under-using them in my CME work.

My aunt from Australia is leaving for Singapore tonight by train. Spent almost the whole of the week with her and my grandparents. Went to Seremban and KL too.

Somehow I feel more needed at home. Somehow. And I blog less at home too I think.

Da Jie is probably moving in to stay with us temporarily after we shift to Kovan. I miss talking to her :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I've heard of this movie, 天作之盒, but never actually watched it. This SARS-themed movie is based on a real-life story of a married pair of doctors - who battled SARS in the frontline and gave their lives to it. The theme songs for this movie are quite nice.

I have not sung this song for a long time, but I can still remember how it touched my heart when I heard sang by 张敬and sang along with it later.

There are some people whom you'll never meet, but are striving for the same purpose as you, and encouraged by the same love.