Saturday, May 14, 2011




很喜欢这首歌的感觉. 五月天的阿信写的歌都很有感觉 (就好象他的<知足>一样). :) 只是觉得最后一句: "突然模糊的眼睛", 如果改写成"突然模糊了眼睛", 会比较让人感叹.

At Home

I'm now at home and am sort of doing my job applications from here.

I said sort of because there are not many jobs to apply for now. Yes, the job market is 'booming' now but most of the openings I see for my field are for diploma graduates. And no, they'd not hire a uni grad to do something that can be easily done by a post-diploma grad. It would be too expensive.

Anyway - I shall just wait and see :) Hopefully our choice of accommodation in Singapore would be determined soon. I shall miss being Tirza's roomie so I hope we will get to bunk together once in a while.

I shall miss BS with Simon in Singapore too. And the BS regulars - Stacey, Justin, and JonC. The Romans journey was most inspiring and life-changing. It was inspiring to see how Simon pulled through it too. Despite immense stress at work and dwindling number of BS participants. I am really thankful for his faithfulness and testimony.

Yesterday I was just singing Amazing Grace to myself. I love all the four stanzas in that song. Usually I'd focus on the first and second, because I'd relate to them. But yesterday I remembered the fourth:

When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun;
We've no less days to sing God's praise,
Than when we've first begun.

I love the way I felt the composer thought - he wanted to sing God's praise through eternity and joyfully reassured that he would be able to do so. First he was grateful for his salvation, and then he was glad that he was saved so that he could glorify God all the way to eternity.

Yes we have been beautifully and wonderfully saved. We have not just been redeemed from sin and death, but more amazingly, Christ now lives in us. That itself is beyond undeserved grace. Just redemption from sin is beyond deserving but Christ living in us, unworthy earthen vessels is more than one deserves.

And I love Pastor Jason's well-used analogy: A child asked his parent:" If Christ is bigger than the universe, and He lives in us, shouldn't He stick out?"

I pray that Christ be magnified in my life.