Have you done something which required a lot of effort (or in Singapore terms: 'sai kang'), rushed through it the whole day, and just when you think you can stop and everything is going to be submitted you realize you have to start it over from scratch again?
It is my first validation run, and today was a good day with just the correct number of days for me to do everything myself, and this happened. First time staying back for overtime at work, and having to re-do all I did today tomorrow or some other day. It just felt tiring and disheartening.
But when I looked at my colleagues who stayed back and realized how tired they were, too, I just didn't have the heart to show that I'm upset or disappointed. I do show that I'm stressed a lot, but this is different. And it was hard keeping it inside, but it had to be done.
Anyway, I've gone through this before. Countless times. During almost all my project works in NUS. Especially during my Design Project. All these 'surprises' never failed to pop up and I'm amazed that no matter how stressed they caused me to be, God always pulled through. Even when I didn't have enough faith to know that I'll pull through, God was still faithful.
And now I still hold on to Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." I may not have the right skills, knowledge, or what some people call 'luck', but I have the assurance that all things work out for good. And I need to approach this with the right attitude, though it's awfully difficult. Basically all I want to do now is break down and bug someone and rant (poor Jon).
But to believe that all this is for good, means not ranting, right? But be thankful because it's going to be good.