A few days ago in the MRT I've taken to reading the book of Romans 16 chapters straight just to re-cap what I've learned in Simon's Bible studies and beyond. Finished in 2 MRT sessions. Each chapter just reached out to my heart and held it awe-stricken.
So many issues addressed. Among these are the some of the answers to some of the toughest questions ever asked by Christians and non-Christians alike. Some include pre-destination, 'fairness' of salvation (e.g. what about kids in Africa who died never exposed to the gospel?), the law of God - how it accuses men yet how Christians should love it, the never-ceasing love of God, the keeping of the saints in the faith and in their salvation, responsibility of Christians to live a holy life (should we sin that grace may abound? May it never be!), practical Christian conduct, historical background of Jews and how they are related in bringing forth the glory of God in the past and as of now, the responsibility of gospel-sharing and so much so much more.
The book of Romans is rich, extremely rich. And it is chock-full of promises to a believer, and every word of it rings true to my heart. The more I read it, the more I find David's words true - it is possible to really take the word of God and just delight in it, because of all the promise it holds, and because it reflect who the person of God truely is, what His standards really are like, and how boundless his love is. You can't really believe in God unless you know who it is that you trust in. And God is so amazing.
I just feel so encouraged by this epistle, and thank God for Simon bringing us through this remarkable journey to know Him more.
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