I don't know if investing is The Thing to do at this age. Many seem to be doing that and getting really decent returns. I wonder why they do it - for security only, or to hope for a windfall? Maybe for both?
I don't know why I've never spent my life thinking or planning how to get rich. Maybe I am too lazy. But I do think there are certain stuff in life I would be fine doing without. Branded clothes bags shoes. Expensive face hair and body treatment. High tech IT applications. Concert and musical tickets. Big houses and cars.
I wish from the very bottom of my heart that I would grow old, loving the things I love now, that these things will continue to make me happy. Board games with friends. Walking to grocery shopping, snacking in hawker centers, spending a day in east coast park. Wearing 10 dollar tee shirts. Drinks from vending machines.
As for those medical bills and housing bills, I just need to be responsible enough in planning and faithful enough to give mercifully and thankfully to those who need it. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Because God takes care of tomorrow.
:) I like the things you value... so simple and true...