Today is the most fruitful day for studying in recess week. At least I managed to stay up the whole day (up till now) and been studying on and off without sleeping.
Some random issues:
1. I feel like wanting to change my blog template again. I wonder if I should. The current template is nice, but it's a little bit too cute for me now. But then nice templates are really hard to find! And I don't want to give myself excuses to hog on the laptop finding new templates when I'm supposed to be mugging for mid terms.
2. Two mid terms after recess week. Monday and Friday. Plus other non mid term modules and projects to catch up with. Projects! I've been immobile in them except for a bit of fruitless research. I feel like I'm such a let-down as a project mate. Would buck up.
3. I want to put on some weight! But not too much.
4. I felt like wanting to change my blogging style. Note the past tense. Reason for that was I've been hanging around some popular blogs lately (thanks to Dawn's blog roll which I go to if I have nothing to read from my own feed), and some blogs are just so nice to read! Not that the content is thought-provoking and inspiring, but they are just... fun. But then I decided that I'll stick to my current style, because I don't want to turn into a blogger going for hits. I decide that I am not going to blog for hits. Not that that will be of any use even if I tried to anyway, but most importantly, that will take away the whole meaning of my blogging altogether. Won't go for what people want to read, but just what I want to say, and what I think, and who I am. Ahh well, you might be thinking: "Duh, isn't that elementary?!" But then, sometimes I get on the high horse so much that I forget the elementary.
5. I love Country Story! Even though it's getting a bit monotonous playing now. But I'm still a little upset over the fact why the livestock/animals look blur or boring after they mature. They were so cute when they haven't grown up!
6. I'm having my first band practice tomorrow. Never really played in a band before. The closest to it was actually the song 'Zhen de Ai Ni' in church a few years back for Parents' Day presentation. But I like this group of people I'm going to work with for Orange Week performance in Central Forum. They are all very good musicians and Chuanbo sings well. This is going to be exciting. Would be more exciting still, if I don't keep on bringing up the fact to myself that practices may get into the way of my mid term preparations. But then I think they won't.
7. I'm now using rough paper Tirza gave me. There's a whole stack of them and behind some are some Japanese exercises. So when I get bored of calculations, I flip them over and try to copy the Japanese characters behind down, even though I don't know what most of them mean, and I can't read any of them.
This doodling has somehow produced two effects. Firstly, it made me miss writing in Chinese. As in writing Chinese by hand. Not typing it. Half the Japanese words are the same as Chinese ones, only they are pronounced differently, and maybe written a little differently. I want to write Chinese words! Hence I end up writing random Chinese phrases all round the page. The second effect this mindless doodling had on me is it actually caused me to want to learn Japanese! I don't know if it's the doodling thing or if it's a Tirza thing. For those who don't know, I've been psychologically affected by Tirza lately. Don't ask me why, I don't know and it's not really her fault either. I saw her eating cup noodles and I had a craving to eat them too. I saw her drinking 100 plus and I wanted to drink 100 plus as well. Then one morning I woke up seeing her eating McDonalds for breakfast and my mind itched until one fine day I decided to do the same. And Tirza's taking Japanese this semester. Hmm.
I don't really think it's Tirza this time. And I don't believe I'll actually take Japanese as a module anytime in NUS. The learning hours are just too long, and I know nuts about Japanese to begin with (except those few words Tirza repeats to herself in the room). I just want an excuse to write something Chinese, or similar to Chinese. An academic excuse. Something more than teaching Boss how to do his Chinese Language tutorials (not that I have, just recalled that he asked for assistance two weeks back). If the craving gets really chronic I'll borrow all Jap lecture and tutorial notes from someone, mug them through the holidays and take Jap in my Final Year. Chances of that happening is pretty low though.
8. I suddenly lost all passion for ice-cream. Now that's really, really sad.
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