Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Actual Training Day 2

Today we learned pipetting. Through which I reaffirmed that I'm not too good at handling hands-on stuff, and my muscles get stiff quite easily. And on top of that, I have the tendency to rush and not get things done thoroughly. Need to take note of that in the future. Hopefully I can improve on that in my subsequent training sessions. Am thankful that my trainer is very, very, very patient and positive. He's nice.

Both my supervisors are nice too. One of them actually stayed behind late for his lunch because both me and another new colleague finished our training late, and he wanted to talk to us. After that he accompanied us to lunch after all the other chemists have left, and even waited outside the girls toilet for us to change out of our lab coats and get our things (and you know girls take some time to do that). Both of us didn't expect this, and I was personally quite touched. He's also very kind and assuring - letting us know that there will be help all the way as we try to grasp the ropes.

I was doing some transactions at POSB after work and the lady at the counter wished me happy birthday in advance. POSB is really upholding its motto: neighbours first, bankers second. And when I reached home - apparently there was a whole pack of people in the kitchen and those who came later (Jon, WM, Gid, Piang, Swee Yee, Andrew, Wenqiao, Jerome, Waipheng, Aziiii): most of which from RH last time :D They came to celebrate my birthday. So I'm sleeping late tonight but its worth it. A few of them stayed back to play board games. I was in my favorite role: banking and watching people fight each other. :D

Tomorrow is SOP day! Hope I won't be too sleepy for it. I AM enjoying work so far, though I still hate waking up early.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Actual Training Day 1

Today was training day one and I spent the whole day learning how to use balances (the kind you use to weigh stuff). It was quite interesting I must say (the theory and rationale of doing things) and we're (I and my new colleague who also just came in) going to pick up more complicated equipment and testing methods soon.

Came to realize more and more that working hours in my lab IS going to be very fast paced and packed. There will be a lot of moving around too - we are doing testing in various different labs and are not sticking at one place all the time. This kind of routine work with a bit of time-juggling here and there is what I like. :D Also there is going to be A LOT of documentation, but I love documentation. My problem is that my motor skills somehow, till now, are a little less refined. In other words - I'm a bit clumsy especially when holding delicate stuff. :S

Still I survived 4 years in NUS labs without coming near to damaging anything or causing spillages/accidents. I hope that track record lasts.

It's fun being at work (for the time being) but when I come home I do feel tired. Going to sleep now :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

First Day of Work (Again)

Back from dinner after work day 1. The travelling was not as bad as I expected. I left the house at 6.20, and reached Jurong East Bus interchange around 7.20 am. There's a new bus interchange now specially for company transport. It's much further to walk to. :S

Today I saw my organization differently from a lab personnel's point of view. My department building feels more complicated now with all the different labs around it - now I know what each of them are for. And so many storage rooms. My colleagues are all rather young and fun. I like the two supervisors too.

I'm glad I'm not the only new recruit today. I have a colleague from the same lab, and we are both happy to have company. I found out that I'm still remembered by many of my colleagues - some who know me by name (those I have liaised with before), others by face; even the auntie who works in the canteen. They wished me well when they knew I was back. So I wasn't that unnoticeable as an IA student after all. :p At the very least, many department personnel knew I existed.

Tomorrow lab training actually starts! :D Am really excited. Everything is going well except the waking ups in the mornings. I guess that will take some getting use to.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Blessings

I've been really enjoying Sunday outings since my last semester. :D Jon & I will usually lunch with Boss & WM, Andrew, and Joanne, and (increasingly frequently) JonC. Simon and the others join too occasionally. We would go to different places eat a bit, walk around, and lately we've been getting lifts home from JonC. Today we had Ramen in Clark Quay, with WMWM doing all the 'tai tai' pose for Boss' new camera.

Really thankful for JonC and Simon who would send us all the way home by car even though they are tired themselves.

Had a really nice time with my uncle + family in Toa Payoh eating seafood. Rachel drew me a nice big bday card, and they gave me a wallet for a bday + graduation + start work present. I really owe them a lot.

Work starts tomorrow (or more like 'pre-work'), but I don't feel like sleeping early.

And ohh... this is totally random, but Jon and I found a writer we really like: Julia Golding. I have read the first of her Companion's Quartet - The Secret of the Sirens (the other three books are still on loan), The Ship In Between Worlds, and Dragonfly. She is a very talented children's story writer. Knows how to grip your attention from beginning to end with very nice plot progressions. Her stories are very re-readable.

That's all for this random post haha. I'm going home this weekend. Looking forward to that too.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Jay Bee Trip + Random Musings

Came back from the Hon's place in JB yesterday night. My first time to JB. They were as sweet as ever and were very good hols. Jon and I went for hair cuts (RM 9). It was quite decent, and my hair is at the okay-curl-at-the-shoulders length now.

It was a very nice and relaxing time there, especially during the random breakfast worship. It reminded me of many things. I've been trying to upgrade my piano-playing style for years, especially ever since my skills plateaued. But then I realize that I don't really have to play very well for myself and other people to be able to worship when I play. It's the spirit that matters.

I really wish I can play in church every week... but playing is not the only way to worship God.

Today was a fun day too: WMWM & Boss came over and we played Princes of Florence, and Ticket to Ride. Had lunch and dinner together too. Hope we have time to spend together even when work kicks in. Especially with all Wing Mei's weird shifts. We NEED piano therapies. Miss Jerome's presence though. He's back home for a week, and by the time he's back again, both of us will be starting work.

Read Mable's random FB ranting just now. I guess I have felt that kind of frustration before. But it never erupted, and eventually I learned to ignore all those concern that I've grown callous over them now.

A slight headache is kicking in right now... and I had better go offline before it gets worse.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Job-Filled Thoughts

These few days I have had a lot of thoughts about work.

I would not have gotten this job;
  • if not for a resourceful girl who got three of us out of a very undesirable attachment,
  • if not for that work changing my attitude from 'die-die-must-get-IA', to: 'taking modules is better than getting a horrible IA'
  • if not for the SP interview that came right before I (almost) accepted another IA in Sing Poly
  • if not for my supervisor being kind and who she is, not to take in a better candidate in fearing that she would be disappointed,
  • and this supervisor was the one who finally referred me to my current Chemist position.
I am very thankful, because it is not who I am which led me to the job, but who others are, and who God is.

Right from my Year One (Sem II) where my results took this undesirable downhill spiral, I had to depend fully on God to get me 'the right results' and 'the right job'. I had nothing to fall back on: my results always brought me to places and opened doors, but this round, I only had God to open those doors for me, because there's nothing much a 3rd class honors could do to place me in a job I want, particularly in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.

Yes, I graduated with a 3rd class honors, and I am very proud of that. Not because of how capable I am pulling through this very competitive course with honors on the belt. Because I know compared to many others, how I have understood less, fought less, and gave up more. But because God chose to use one aspect of my pride (my strong track record of good academic results), whittle it down, and use it to show Himself faithful and strong. And He used it to place me in a place where my interests lie, and where His will lies. He also taught me to be content with my lot, to know that every good thing comes from Him.

I haven't found out His will yet for me in this workplace. But I am very sure this is not all about settling down, getting a stable income, eventually getting a raise/promotion etc. There is something in my new workplace - a role for me, and I want to find out what that is.

This is not the end of insecurity - for life is full of these. While looking ahead and planning out my career path: I realize that there's not so much use of planning ahead for advancement, for the road is long, and full of twists and turns, to places only God knows. It is very exciting. (No wonder they call our Graduation Ceremony the 'Commencement Ceremony'). I can only plan for excellence in the role I'm called to serve, to a good stewardess, willing to learn and love.

If insecurities like these always reinforce the fact that God is ever-faithful, and can ever be depended on for our daily bread and greater things: I pray that more insecurities come. For Singapore makes me so complacent sometimes that these rocky parts of life are required to jolt me awake.

I'm very excited while awaiting 25 July 2011. It will be a new beginning, an opening to many new beginnings. I pray that my eyes be opened to see Him in my work.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Graduated and Employed

My commencement was held today. It was NICE. Especially like the end part where balloons and confetti poured down from the top of the uni cultural hall. And was really glad that I got an extra invitation card too - that means daddy, and both my grandparents could watch the ceremony in the hall itself.

Took plenty of pics - but wish I bumped into more of my peers. However, I was rather limited in terms of movement for too much photo-taking.

I consider it a very lovely ending to my four years of uni education, with family and friends.

On top of that I am now officially hired by MSD (my IA company) as a chemist! :D So happy to be employed. Going for medical checkup tomorrow. Hopefully I'll learn much from my job. The shift hours are a bit challenging, not to mention that Kovan is like 40 km away from Tuas!!!! But still - the pay is awesome. It makes everything worth it.

Thank God for everything: and I know there's something else He wants me to do within these two years - probably a people thing. :) Will pray hard and work hard. Now everything has kind of settled - my worst battle would probably be against complacency. Constant vigilance is required.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Must. Use. Internet. Sparingly

Surviving on half-baked internet until the 28th this month. This is what happens when you moved into a new house where everything is installed from scratch. I'm typing this on top speed btw.

We moved into Kovan Court like 1 - 2 weeks ago. Nice apartment. Big living room. Comfy rooms. Nice neighborhood. I will have to walk 600 m to MRT each day for work, and I shall regard it as my daily exercise. Not fun when it rains though.

We have had people coming over. Boss & WM. Tirza. Joanne, Andrew, Jon's parents tomorrow. And my remaining housemates: Waipheng and Yew Hong. So far I've been staying here with Jon & Jerome. It's kind of fun playing house. We had had nice times, nice meals, and overdose of boardgame sessions. :D Jerome has a collection of nice games. I borrowed books from the public library too. Time to max out the usage of my library membership which I paid $10 for.

My commencement is on this Tuesday. Hope I don't look weird in my gown. My 2nd interview is on Monday. Hope I get the job! :)

Thank God for the nice move-in, pleasant staying experience, great housemates, and a good time of fellowship from friends and church-mates. Long may this last! :)