Today we learned pipetting. Through which I reaffirmed that I'm not too good at handling hands-on stuff, and my muscles get stiff quite easily. And on top of that, I have the tendency to rush and not get things done thoroughly. Need to take note of that in the future. Hopefully I can improve on that in my subsequent training sessions. Am thankful that my trainer is very, very, very patient and positive. He's nice.
Both my supervisors are nice too. One of them actually stayed behind late for his lunch because both me and another new colleague finished our training late, and he wanted to talk to us. After that he accompanied us to lunch after all the other chemists have left, and even waited outside the girls toilet for us to change out of our lab coats and get our things (and you know girls take some time to do that). Both of us didn't expect this, and I was personally quite touched. He's also very kind and assuring - letting us know that there will be help all the way as we try to grasp the ropes.
I was doing some transactions at POSB after work and the lady at the counter wished me happy birthday in advance. POSB is really upholding its motto: neighbours first, bankers second. And when I reached home - apparently there was a whole pack of people in the kitchen and those who came later (Jon, WM, Gid, Piang, Swee Yee, Andrew, Wenqiao, Jerome, Waipheng, Aziiii): most of which from RH last time :D They came to celebrate my birthday. So I'm sleeping late tonight but its worth it. A few of them stayed back to play board games. I was in my favorite role: banking and watching people fight each other. :D
Tomorrow is SOP day! Hope I won't be too sleepy for it. I AM enjoying work so far, though I still hate waking up early.